success rates

Success rates for treatment with donor sperm and eggs

Many patients are interested in the success rates for each treatment, which may help them choose treatment types and fertility clinics. One of our goals at Cryos Clinic is to showcase the success rates achieved through treatment with sperm and eggs from Cryos International.

At Cryos Clinic, we offer the following treatment types:

We are currently in the process of building our own knowledge about the effectiveness of these donor treatments and look forward to sharing our own results once we have sufficient data. As we have just started, the data sample is currently not large enough to draw any conclusions from.

For now, we have collected different studies approved by our fertility doctor that have researched the success rates of treatment with donor sperm and eggs, to give you an idea of what to expect.

Baby conceived through succesful insemination

Success rates for IUI treatment

Regarding IUI success rates, we refer to the nationwide results for insemination with donor sperm published by the Danish Fertility Society

As with most fertility treatments, age is crucial to the success of insemination with sperm. Therefore, the published figures from the Danish Fertility Society are based on different age groups. The latest published figures from the Danish Fertility Society show that IUI-D treatment resulted in the following expected birth rates (foetus with heartbeat at scan in pregnancy week 7) per insemination:

  • Under 35 years: 19.1%
  • 36-39 years: 14.1%
  • 40-42 years: 7.5%
  • 43+ years: 1.8%

Success rates for ICI treatment

Study from Human Reproduction

A Dutch study published in Human Reproduction in June 2022 examined success rates for ICI and IUI treatments with donor sperm. The study shows that ICI treatment resulted in a 24% birth rate after 6 treatments. The study included 51 women at the age of 34 at the time of insemination.

Source: Hum Reprod. 2022 Jun; 37(6): 1175-1182 (Intracervical insemination versus intrauterine insemination with cryopreserved donor sperm in the natural cycle: a randomised controlled trial)

Study from the Cochrane Library

A 2018 study by the Cochrane Database System found insufficient evidence to determine whether there was a clear difference in the number of successful births from IUI and ICI treatment with donor sperm. Based on a small amount of data, the study suggested that ICI in gonadotropin-stimulated cycles may be associated with a higher clinical pregnancy rate than IUI, but also with a higher risk of multiple pregnancies. However, the study concluded that the current data sample was too limited to make a definitive choice between IUI or ICI in treatment with donor sperm.

Source: (Intrauterine insemination versus intracervical insemination in donor sperm treatment) Cochrane Database Syst Rev. 2018

Study from Human Reproduction

A 2015 study published in Human Reproduction investigated whether there was a difference between the success rates of ICI and IUI treatments performed with frozen donor sperm. Based on a large sample of data, the study found no significant difference between success rates achieved via ICI and IUI when performed in a natural cycle. 

Source: Hum Reprod 2015 Intrauterine insemination or intracervical insemination with cryopreserved donor sperm in the natural cycle: a cohort study

If you have any questions regarding success rates from insemination with donor sperm, feel free to contact us.

Success rates for IVF treatment

Regarding IVF success rates, we refer to the nationwide results IVF treatments published by the Danish Fertility Society . The numbers from the Danish Fertility Society are based on all IVF treatments performed in Denmark, both in public and private fertility clinics, and with both sperm from a donor and a partner.
As with most fertility treatments, age is crucial to the success. Therefore, the published figures from the Danish Fertility Society are based on different age groups. 
The latest published figures from the Danish Fertility Society, based on treatments performed in 2022, show that IVF treatment resulted in the following expected birth rates (foetus with heartbeat at scan in pregnancy week 7) per IVF-treatment:

  • <35 years: 51%
  • 36-39 years: 37%
  • 40-42 years: 21%
  • 43+ years: 9%

Success rates for IVF-D treatment

The numbers described above are pooled numbers for both IVF with donor-sperm (IVF-D) and IVF with partner sperm (IVF-H) and more specific figures for IVF-D in Denmark are lacking.

Study from the Journal of Clinical Medicine

A study from China published in the Journal of Clinical Medicine in January 2023 researched success rates from IVF treatments with donor sperm. The study found that IVF-D had a success rate of 74.5% for pregnancy and 62.4% for live births per cycle of treatment. The study included 20,910 women who received IVF treatment with donor sperm.

Woman exercising to increase her fertility

Success rates for donor egg treatment

Regarding success rates for egg donation treatment, we refer to the nationwide results published by the Danish Fertility Society.

The latest published figures show that donor egg treatment resulted in an expected birth rate of 35% per treatment cycle.

How to increase your chances of success with fertility treatment

Before your appointment at Cryos Clinic, there are a few things you can do to improve your fertility, which may help to increase the chances of a pregnancy occurring. 

  • Age: Age is one of the most defining factors in terms of fertility. If you are above the age of 35, you may want to consider a fertility test before the insemination, as women's fertility drops significantly after the age of 35. Fertility tests are available at fertility clinics and gynaecologists.
  • Diet: A popular saying is that you are what you eat. This is true, as a healthy and balanced diet containing all the vitamins and minerals your body needs can help increase your fertility. Try to limit your intake of sugar and refined carbohydrates as they cause your blood sugar levels to rise, which can affect your hormonal system and potentially harm your fertility.
  • Lifestyle: To increase your chances of successful insemination, avoid smoking and alcohol, as these are known to reduce fertility. Reducing your caffeine intake is another lifestyle change to try. Limit your caffeine intake to a maximum of five cups of coffee a day.
  • Stress: Research shows that stress levels can affect your fertility. To reduce stress factors in your life, we recommend activities such as yoga, long walks or meditation.
  • Vitamins: The Danish Health Authority recommends that pregnant women take folic acid, iron, and vitamin D supplements. In addition, pregnant women are recommended to get enough calcium, either through diet or supplements.