price of donor sperm treatment

Price of donor sperm treatment

The total cost of treatment with donor sperm at Cryos Clinic depends on your treatment type and your choice of sperm donor. See our list of prices for treatment with donor sperm here.

At Cryos Clinic, our pricing structure is designed to offer simplicity and transparency. Recognizing the challenges of navigating fertility treatment costs, we offer fixed prices for treatments:

  • ICI treatment: EUR 400 (excl. donor sperm)
  • IUI treatment: EUR 750 (excl. donor sperm)
  • IVF treatment: EUR 3,919 (excl. donor sperm)

The costs associated with donor sperm are not included in the prices above, since they will vary depending on your choice of sperm donor. 

In the price examples on this page, you can learn more about what is included in these prices, and how your choice of donor will affect your total treatment costs.

It is important to note that achieving pregnancy often involves multiple rounds of treatment. Each treatment round necessitates a new visit to Cryos Clinic and a new order of donor sperm. Consequently, the overall cost of using ICI, IUI, or IVF to conceive depends on the number of treatments required. We are here to support you every step of the way on your fertility journey.

Woman pregnant after visiting Cryos Clinic

How donor type affects the price

The price of donor sperm for your treatment varies depending on which type of donor profile you choose. See the prices for each donor type below.

  • Extended Profile – ID Release: EUR 1,500
  • Extended Profile – Non-ID Release: EUR 600
  • Basic Profile – ID Release: EUR 1000
  • Basic Profile – Non-ID Release: EUR 450

The prices include VAT.

Learn more about the different donor types and how to choose a donor here

Price examples for treatments with donor sperm

Price of ICI treatment with donor sperm

ICI treatment at Cryos Clinic is self-insemination with donor sperm, which means the insemination is performed by you or your partner after receiving careful instructions from our healthcare professionals. Learn more about ICI treatment here

The price of ICI at Cryos Clinic is EUR 400. In addition, comes the price of donor sperm, which varies depending on your choice of sperm donor.

You can see a price example and what the price includes in the table below.

Service Price
Initial consultation Included
ICI treatment EUR 400
Donor sperm for ICI treatment* From EUR 450
Shipping of donor sperm Included**
Total cost of ICI with donor sperm From EUR 850

*The price of donor sperm for ICI treatment stated in the table above is a price example for a Non-ID Release Donor with a Basic Profile. The price includes VAT.
**Please note that shipping costs are not included if you have a reservation of sperm straws at Cryos International sperm bank.

Price of IUI treatment with donor sperm

In IUI treatment with donor sperm (IUI-D), the insemination is performed by a healthcare professional at Cryos Clinic. We offer IUI in spontaneous/natural cycles or stimulated cycles - both at the same price. However, the medication expenses for hormone stimulation must be covered by the patient. At the initial consultation, our clinic staff will determine which type of IUI is recommended to you.

Learn more about IUI treatment here. Please note: IUI treatment is currently only offered at Cryos Clinic - Aarhus

The price of IUI at Cryos Clinic is EUR 475. In addition, comes the price of donor sperm, which varies depending on your choice of sperm donor. 

You can see a price example and what the price includes in the table below.

Service Price
Initial consultation Included
Ultrasound scans at Cryos Clinic prior to treatment (if necessary) Included
IUI treatment EUR 750
Donor sperm for IUI treatment* From EUR 450
Shipping of donor sperm Included
Pregnancy scan Included**
Total cost of IUI with donor sperm From EUR 1.200

*The price of donor sperm for IUI treatment stated in the table above is a price example for a Non-ID Release Donor with a Basic Profile. The price includes VAT.
**Please note that shipping costs are not included if you have a reservation of sperm straws at Cryos International sperm bank.

Price of IVF treatment with donor sperm

IVF treatment with donor sperm (IVF-D) is a fertility treatment in which fertilisation takes place outside the body. The eggs are retrieved and fertilised in a laboratory before being transferred to the person planning to carry the pregnancy. Learn more about IVF with donor sperm here

The price of IVF at Cryos Clinic is EUR 3,919. In addition, there are costs associated with donor sperm, which vary depending on your selection of sperm donor, as well as medication expenses for hormone stimulation.

You can see a price example and what the price includes in the table below.

Service Price
Initial consultation Included
Ultrasound scans at Cryos Clinic prior to treatment (if necessary) Included
IVF treatment EUR 3,919
Donor sperm for IVF treatment* From EUR 450
Shipping of donor sperm Included**
Pregnancy scan Included
Total cost of IVF with donor sperm From EUR 4,369

*The price of donor sperm for IVF treatment stated in the table above is a price example for a Non-ID Release Donor with a Basic Profile. The price includes VAT.
**Please note that shipping costs are not included if you have a reservation of sperm straws at Cryos International sperm bank.

Let us assist you on your journey

Do you have questions regarding our donor sperm prices? Then please contact us. If you would like to discover your possibilities with Cryos Clinic, you can fill out your information and begin your journey via the button below.