
Treatments at Cryos Clinic

At Cryos Clinic, we offer five different types of donor treatment. You can have treatment with donor sperm, donor eggs or both. Learn more about each treatment method and how to begin your journey towards parenthood.

Most people want children at some point in their life. For some, the journey towards parenthood comes easy, while others need a bit of help to fulfil their dream. On this page, you can read about the treatment types at Cryos Clinic. If you have any questions about the process, feel free to contact us.

Fertility nurse scanning a patient

ICI treatment with donor sperm

Intracervical Insemination, also called ICI, allows you to perform the insemination yourself. More specifically, the donor sperm is placed in the vagina using an insemination kit. The insemination is carried out at Cryos Clinic around the time of ovulation, as this is when the chance of pregnancy is highest. Hopefully, ICI treatment feels more relaxed and intimate and allows a more emotionally connected experience compared to being a patient going through fertility treatment at a clinic or hospital.

ICI treatment with donor sperm is available in Aarhus and Copenhagen.

IUI treatment with donor sperm

IUI is short for Intrauterine Insemination. During IUI, a healthcare professional injects donor sperm directly into the woman's uterus at the time of ovulation. Before insemination, one or more ultrasound scans are made to determine when to perform the treatment and mild hormone stimulation is given to stimulate the LH surge to regulate egg production and the time of ovulation.

IUI treatment with donor sperm is only available in Cryos Clinic - Aarhus.

IVF treatment with donor sperm

IVF treatment, or in vitro fertilisation, is a widely used type of fertility treatment for those who struggle with conceiving naturally. During IVF, the female reproductive system is stimulated by fertility medication to enhance egg production. The eggs are retrieved from the ovaries and fertilised in the laboratory. If fertilisation occurs, the embryos hopefully develop into blastocysts (this takes 5-6 days), after which the strongest blastocyst is transferred to the uterus for further development. Only one blastocyst is transferred at a time, as twin and triplet pregnancies have a higher health risk than single pregnancies.

IVF treatment with donor sperm is only available in Cryos Clinic - Aarhus.

Donor egg treatment

Donor egg treatment is a type of fertility treatment in which you use donated eggs to achieve pregnancy. The egg donor is stimulated to enhance egg production, thus producing more mature eggs than usual. The eggs are retrieved and fertilised with sperm from your partner using either IVF or ICSI. Only one egg is transferred at a time. If fertilisation results in more than one blastocyst, the remaining blastocysts can be stored for future use.

Donor egg treatment is only available in Cryos Clinic - Aarhus.

Double donation

Double donation refers to a type of fertility treatment where both donor sperm and eggs are used to achieve pregnancy. The egg donor is stimulated to produce mature eggs, that are retrieved and then fertilised with sperm from a donor. The process can be done using either IVF or ICSI. Only one blastocyst will be transferred at a time. If fertilisation results in more than one blastocyst, the remaining blastocysts can be stored for future use.

Double donation is only available in Cryos Clinic - Aarhus.

Starting the journey

If you are interested in donor treatment at Cryos Clinic, click on the button below and fill out your information. Once you have requested a consultation, our experienced healthcare professionals will evaluate your medical background and create a personalised treatment plan that suits your needs.